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Just a few disconnected thoughts, otherwise known as Tuesday Rambling:

  • Love ultimately helps us overcome selfishness.
  • It is possible to show and demonstrate powerful love for those we will never like as close friends.
  • Love is bigger and stronger than temporary flaws.
  • Love provides security when disagreements pop up. Loving relationships are not at risk in disagreement when love is at the core of them.
  • Love reminds me I’m not judged based on performance.
  • I heard a story of a pastor who literally had a man in his congregation who kept a record of everything he did wrong. Love keeps no record of wrong.
  • Love is willing to wait.
  • Love forgives when we wrong each other.
  • Knowing you’re loved builds a healthy self esteem.
  • The fact that God loves you is way more powerful than the fact that someone doesn’t like you.