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Tuesday. The weather is very cold here in Ohio, where I assume most of my readers reside.

I have a few thoughts about the cold weather. Time to ramble:

  • I admit the weather makes life difficult. Can’t deny that.
  • I also fully admit that I have a high tolerance for how the weather affects people. I have friends who I think legitimately struggle.
  • A good question: how much SHOULD the weather really affect us?
  • I think the media make matters worse. I think the instant access to information makes everyone more aware (for better or for worse).
  • Haven’t we always endured extreme weather conditions?
  • Last Saturday it snowed 3-5″ in many parts of Ohio. Like we haven’t dealt with that before if we’ve lived in Ohio for a long time?
  • I always thought when it snowed you just left early and went slower in order to be safe.
  • Anyway, back to how much the weather should affect us. My chief concern is this: do we feel like we’re entitled to something different than what God is giving us?
  • If we worship God and trust Him in all areas of life, why are we slower to trust when things are hard, or make us uncomfortable?
  • I’m challenged this way in other areas. I got fussy with God when I got sick last week. I get fussy about things I don’t like. I feel entitled to have it go more smoothly.
  • But that’s not reality. My feelings about things don’t matter as much as the reality that’s causing them. I should work to adjust my feelings to what’s revealed in Scripture or plain realities (like harsh weather).
  • Shut down human emotion and basic responses? No. (Read: It’s okay to acknowledge the weather is less than favorable!)
  • But gripe to the point where my feelings act as a god threatening my worship of the real God? I hope not!