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The format each Tuesday involves a topic and a list of bullet points.

Today: what triggers your sin?

  • I linked to this article yesterday about things that trigger porn use.
  • If you struggle with pornography or know those who do, these triggers will prove helpful in identifying the underlying motives.
  • If you struggle with pornography, please seek help, growth, and accountability. By God’s grace you CAN leave it in your past.
  • The nineteen (yes, what a thorough article) triggers made me think.
  • I don’t struggle with pornography, but the premise of the article made me think in a little bit bigger scope.
  • Many of these triggers can apply to all kinds of sin.
  • One major theme of the triggers points to focus. Do I have the focus to trust God in every circumstance?
  • I can get bogged down by frustrations pretty easily, especially repeated frustrations. Blow off steam, run your mouth, and you feel better. Right?
  • Wrong. For me dealing with those frustrations in that way doesn’t leave me feeling better. And I’m certainly not closer to God for it.
  • So today perhaps the question that helps most is: “Do I know why I sin and am I willing to address it?”
  • Pore over these triggers. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you grow away from sin and into the ability to enjoy God’s peace when temptation strikes.
  • Question: which trigger will you ask God to help you begin to conquer or correct this week?