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Last Tuesday I wrote a short piece in which I shared a few rambling thoughts on the topic of “being white”. Today I’ll take that a bit further and touch on what I perceive as the cause of much misunderstanding: injustice.

  • When you are white, you are a part of the majority system that has influenced wide swaths of western culture (education, religion, institutions) for hundreds of years.
  • When you are black, asian, hispanic, or any other racial or ethnic group, you are not.
  • I intend this post in no way to suggest whites find themselves exempt from injustice. Hardly the case.
  • Maybe I should state my goal clearly: my goal in these posts “on being white” is to stir thought, discussion, and action in adults who have wide ranging experiences with race.
  • News flash: I DO NOT have everything figured out. But I do have God’s Word, history, experience, and a voice.
  • Now back to the topic: the issue of injustice.
  • If you are white, you have very little chance of experiencing racial injustice.
  • So let me pose a question: Is it possible that white people have and do currently use their positions in places of power for unjust purposes toward others?
  • Is it possible that minority cultures have suffered regarding economic opportunities, educational opportunities, and unjust treatment by law enforcement and the legal system?
  • Is it possible corrupt people have brought about consistently harsher penalties for blacks than whites in our legal system?
  • Is it possible economic disparity in public school education, even in Akron, has come about as power players have made decisions which have had negative effects on poorer communities?
  • Is it possible governments have desired to keep residents of certain races isolated in certain neighborhoods?
  • Answering these types of questions, to me, determines a starting point in this discussion.
  • A note to clarify: I in no way intend to suggest everyone in government favors or actively participates in racist oppression. Many fine public servants give healthy and godly examples.
  • That said, check out a few resources to get an idea of what goes on in places we may not tend to give a whole lot of attention.
  • A recommended resource: Read this article from Akron’s own history.
  • Another recommended resource: Watch the documentary 13th on Netflix.
  • Another recommended resource: Read Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson.
  • Does injustice exist? If so, then to what extent does personal responsibility matter? If so, what do we do about it?
  • Those are great questions for another time. For today, answering the question regarding the existence of injustice will prove a sufficient place to start.