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It is easy thing (for me, anyway) to spend some time reflecting at life’s mile markers. For me, tomorrow is my 36th birthday, and I find myself thinking a bit.

It has been a difficult year in many respects. Most of the difficulty is natural stretching occurring as a result of continuing to adjust to a new role, establish better boundaries, and evaluate priorities.

So here are three things I wish I did better. Note the emphasis on doing them better (I’m not inferring I’m not doing them at all). Perhaps a little self evaluation will give you some things to think about. As always, the goal of my writing is challenge for better Christian living.


I really hope next year at this time I can honestly say I am making progress investing in people’s lives, making disciples. By definition, I don’t mean simply conducting services, preaching sermons, having events, etc. These are good and challenging things to do as part of sharing Christian life. God can work in these in powerful ways. But, people’s real needs and challenges can be hidden in these times and therefore discipleship may never occur if connection isn’t made beyond these structures. So, I’d like to be more effective making disciples.


I think this one is directly related to the first one. If I’m really passionate about it, I’ll make it a priority. If I don’t, I won’t. Isn’t that true of anyone? The bottom line is that in this season of life my choices with my time must be intentional. Commitment to preaching will be a priority. Marriage and family will be a priority. Running will be a priority. I will need to be disciplined to live out what God has ultimately called me to do.


There is real adventure going on in the Christian mission field around the world. The work is active and incredibly meaningful. Totally un-reached people groups are being reached and need to be reached. I want to continue to challenge my thinking about what is important in supporting this type of work.

Well, that’s it for now. Be challenged!