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Great topics. Great articles. I love to share what I read. And, I love to read. So, if I’m challenged by what I read, then you’re challenged – I hope!

The first Monday challenge of April. Enjoy!

Link of the Week

If you believe traditional things about gender, sex, and sexuality, this article will inform you of what else is being taught in the culture.

Question: Would you have enough Biblical knowledge to respond this? How would you?

The Christian Faith

1. Does Satan tell you you’re a failure when you’ve failed? Don’t let him! This is really a great little read from Ron Hutchcraft.

Question: Is moving on after failing difficult for you to do? What defines you?

2. Do you doubt? If you do, be careful these things don’t happen. I love Paul Tripp’s writing and this piece is powerful!

Question: What things cause you to doubt?

3. Should Christian organizations hire gay people to work for them? Here’s one perspective that should make you think.

Question: Where would you draw the line?

4. Do you have peace in your life? Feel smart for a minute and read this quick devotion – about a Greek word!

Question: What would this kind of peace eliminate in your life?