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Happy Monday! We have yet another day at home with the kids due to cold weather (-15 degrees wind chills and colder predicted for tomorrow). We’ll enjoy it as much as possible. In the meantime, be challenged!

Moms and Facebook

This article has a good look at pluses and minuses of social media – from moms’ perspective.

Question: Which of the strengths of social media surprised you or made you think?

Teaching Kids About Suffering

This article discusses the need to teach kids about suffering. It’s worth the read, even if only for the powerful testimony contained here.

Question: What did you think of the best way the author suggests to teach about suffering?

Porn and Consent

Defining consent can make for blurry morals. Challenge yourself with this one.

Question: Does porn have anything to do with consent?

America’s Most Tolerated Sin

What would be your guess? This article offers some help.

Question: What do you make of the link to the Lord’s Supper?