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Yet again, Monday has arrived. No surprise there. If Monday has you down, hopefully a challenge can help. I found these articles challenging. I hope your response is the same.


Also, if Monday has you down, perhaps a giveaway will help as well. I’m excited to announce this year’s Thought Driven Action giveaway. Click this link and you’ll find prize and entry details. Let’s have some fun!

Do You Worship Idols?

Good thoughts here from Paul Tripp. We can’t be like those people . . . can we?

Question: What idols threaten our worship of the true God?

When Believers Turn Away

Have you known a believer who has turned away? This article sheds important light on how to handle it.

Question: Which point helped you the most?

Winter Mental Health

This article gives practical suggestions for going through winter with great mental health.

Question: Which suggestion can you adapt this winter?

Don’t Skip Church

Check this out: Seven reasons not to skip church.

Question: Have you ever thought of how confusing skipping makes things?