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Happy 2021! Mondays still mean challenge. I may re-post some of these next week if they don’t get a ton of traction.

Global Perspective

I’m looking forward to going through all this myself. This summary of global stories from 2020 in the Christian church should help us Zoom out a bit from our own situations and national concerns.

Question: How many of these came as a surprise to you?


Pre-Jesus myths – familiar at all? If not, this should help you understand how people deny Jesus’ exclusive claims by putting him in the “myth” category.

Question: How do Jesus’ exclusive claims challenge you?


Sometimes Christian people have disagreements. This article highlights a well known disagreement in Scripture and helps us maintain healthy perspective.

Question: Will this change how you approach disagreements?

Jesus Cleansing the Temple

Ever give any thought to how many times Jesus cleansed the temple? This article should provide some insight and understanding.

Question: How important are questions like this to you in your journey of faith?


How to be pro-life in our day to day lives.

An inspiring prayer video.

The religiously unaffiliated are not unreachable.