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Be challenged today. Have a look at some great thoughts to make you think!

Link of the Week – A Great Story

This article includes some challenging thoughts and a great story. Let the story challenge your heart as it challenged mine. Thank you Mark Ford for sharing!

Question: How would you have responded in the story told in this article?

The Measure You Use

We all perceive and evaluate each other differently. Kevin DeYoung challenges us using a timeless Biblical principle.

Question: What measure do you use?

The Falling Abortion Rate

The abortion rate is falling. This article takes a look at a few reasons why.

Question: What about this article do you find most compelling?

Porn and Sex Trafficking

Not a great heading, I know. But in many ways porn and sex trafficking exist as one and the same. Walt Mueller encourages us to challenge our hearts and minds to think about why.

Question: Will you speak out against porn as much as you will against trafficking?

Sabbath Rest

Get some rest. Here are seven reasons to help you think about the why and the how. Reason #7 help a lot!

Question: How much do you rest? Does this article help you think about changes you could make?