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Here is the most clicked article from my Monday posting:

It’s about how to pray for your pastors.

As usual, I really don’t agree with everything in here.  However, there are a couple main points I’ll elaborate on:

1.  Feeling Good About Growth

This IS true about a lot of churches.  It should NOT be a pastor’s main concern to grow a church numerically.  Sometimes numbers are evidence of a spiritually growing church, sometimes they’re not.  But what this article points out well is that our churches AND our pastors need to guard against this goal.  Let’s keep spiritual maturity at the top of the list.

2. Use of Time

In most churches under the 500-1000 range in attendance, pastors do a lot of things that stay under the radar.  It is an ongoing theme of the things I write on my blog that I need prayer for wisdom.  Bottom line is I want to stay committed to teaching and preaching above anything, but there are a lot of factors that compete for that time.

3. Most Risky?

A catchy title, but I don’t think it’s “the most risky”.  Maybe a successful title to get people reading.  Just my opinion.

Have a great Friday everyone.