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Here is the link from my Monday post that drew the most interest:

What husbands should know about stay at home moms.

Here are a few of my own comments:

The everyday often gets lost to men.

I must constantly remind myself of all the things my wife does (even though she works a couple days a week).  Men should be reminded of the point this article brought out well in its comments about scheduling and problem solving.

The need for support.

Again, stay at home mom or not, wives/mothers need support.  Just reading through the things that can come about if a SAHM tries to do things on her own should serve as a wake up call?

Men: don’t be selfish!

The encouragement at the end of this article is fantastic and well balanced.  With prayer and timing the right conversations can be had about disagreements over the way the home is being run.  With wrong timing serious damage can be done to emotional energy it takes to do this wonderful job.

Have a great Friday everyone!