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Here is this week’s most clicked link:

Building sons into men.

There has been a lot about men, ministry, and manhood on my blog recently.  Here’s another article with some practical help.  A few comments:

1. Delayed maturity is real.

No doubt about it. Talk to anyone who’s working with men today and you will hear about delayed maturity, where many men are working part time at dead end jobs, not serious about relationships, and wasting away in entertainment well into their 20’s.  It’s real and must be addressed.  This article gives a few pointers regarding how.

2. I identify most with work and love.

TEACH MEN TO WORK – Teach your boys that sometimes you have to sacrifice to work.  Even at a young age, men can learn to trade play for work as a foundation to learn what it is to provide and protect.  Women and children are not expected to solely bear this burden.

TEACH MEN TO LOVE – To sacrificially love a woman as a wife and earn her respect as a husband is a huge call.  This goes far above the portrayal of women through modeling, pornography, etc.  Women do not exist to meet our physical desires.  Young mean learning this through positive role models offers hope that sacrificial love CAN be lived out in ways that reflect the love of Christ for his church (Ephesians 5).

3. Rebel!!

Rebel against portrayals of men who sit in man caves and watch sports and demean women.  There is much more to life and healthy relationships.  Real men lead, serve, love, and exist so others can thrive – especially the women in their lives.  So rebel against what our culture is saying and begin in your home and church to build a culture of healthy manhood that points young men to their responsibilities and real maturity.

Have a great Friday everyone!