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This article from CPYU was this week’s most clicked from my Monday Challenge.  It asks an important question:

What is success in parenting?

Parents, PLEASE read this article.  Here are a few thoughts of my own.

1. It’s not just parenting.

Don’t take your cues from culture on anything.  If we think “the teen years of parenting are automatically miserable”, then we can take lots of other faulty views from culture.  It is a very important question to ask how you think about life and why.

2. It’s not about you.

Really, it’s not.  It’s about God.  Any teacher can run a great classroom, but can’t make students want to learn.  Any parent can get their child to perform outwardly, but as this article points out, we need to be at war for their hearts.  Do they want to obey? Huge question.

3. It’s not about you (part two).

Children having difficulties is not about what they did that got in the way of what we wanted. That’s our job as parents – to dig in when things are tough and do our best to remove our personal interests and frustrations. Are we worried about how our children are reflecting on us more than the consequences of their mistakes reflect on them?