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I’ve been a bit off my blogging schedule this week. Oh well.

Monday afternoon I arrived with a few good friends and about 1200 other pastors at Basics Conference 2015. Since Monday afternoon I witnessed 6 main session talks and 3 breakouts.

I wanted to dump out a few thoughts of things that really challenged me in those nine sessions (each sermon/presentation was about 45  minutes)

If you’re curious, you can see the talks and speakers by clicking this link.

  • Suffering was a theme of this conference, even if it was unintended.
  • Suffering is something God can always use.
  • It is very important to know what is true about the culture.
  • It is very important to know what is true about God.
  • Those who think the culture is right do not know the truth about God.
  • Many think they know God but do not understand the truth about Him.
  • Each speaker addressed the decline of American culture, yet affirmed the confidence pastors should have in staying strong in leading others.
  • A pastor at his core should be an evangelist.
  • Boldness and courage must inhabit pastors and Christians.
  • The challenge: if you’re not up for a tough road ahead, don’t get in full time ministry (or by implication, get out of it).
  • It comforts me to hear from nationally known pastors that they have struggles in their lives, calling, and churches. No pastor is perfect.
  • I was gone for 48 hours. It felt like almost a week. It was a much needed break.