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Are we wise in our own eyes? Rambling this morning…

  • Proverbs 3:7 reads: Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
  • This follows some very famous other verses from Proverbs 3. You can look those up on your own time.
  • So, does anyone really want to keep the company of a know-it-all?
  • You remember that annoying kid who always raised his hand in class, always thought more highly of themselves than he or she should have?
  • Wise in their own eyes. But should we just point our finger at the obvious and think we’re ok since we don’t take things to that kind of level?
  • We should ask: do we have hints and traces of this? 
  • We could seek input from those close to us. I really think Christians (or anyone) should do this regularly. 
  • Asking those around us can help us avoid blind spots.
  • A practical question: name the last time you learned something.
  • Another practical question: name the last time someone pointed out a flaw you sincerely worked to correct.
  • More directly, when was the last time you were wrong or told “no”?
  • Related: Name the last person you invested in and encouraged even though the flaws they possess really stood out to you and others?
  • Let me remind you that I do not with to write from a place of perfection. I must sift through my weaknesses or blind spots like anyone else.
  • Parents: What about our children? Do we tell them “no”? Limit their choices age appropriately? Do they respond to correction without pushback or a meltdown?
  • The answers to these can tell us a lot about how much wisdom our children think they have.
  • Someone not wise in their own eyes displays humility, accepts criticism, deals with confrontation fairly well, and has a healthy view of self and God.
  • Let me close by mentioning fear. The verses command a fear of the Lord. Wisdom, in our own eyes, builds up walls. Walls which tell ourselves and others we must be right and those on the outside of our walls must be feared. 
  • When we fear God, we release the desire to defend our positions, beliefs, views, practices.
  • A fearless Christian will stand for that which he or she believes. It just won’t turn into a war when someone disagrees or thinks otherwise. 
  • Let us seek God’s wisdom, not our own. Let us live and love, fearlessly trusting God to the destruction of fearing others!