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Time for some rambling about time away from social media:

  • Part of taking a thirty day break from ministry involved disconnecting from my regular social media accounts.
  • For me, how does social media have negative impact?
  • #1: Wasted time. Not much gain in mindlessly scrolling the feed.
  • #2: Overwhelmed by information. People’s lives, opinions, passions, all available all the time? Seriously, who can process all of it? My mental state eased tremendously WITHOUT daily exposure to so many things shared from such a diversity of perspective.
  • #3: Lack of personal connection. Many of the people I “follow” or “connect with” on social media, I don’t really know or see regularly.
  • With those main negative impact points noted, a few more comments about the time away:
  • I had actual, life changing experiences on my sabbatical that never got posted on a social media platform. No photos, no likes, no comments, no engagement, yet real joy and powerful memories.
  • A few challenges moving forward. Maybe these will make you think.
  • #1: I encourage you to take regular time off of social media (a day a week is a great place to start, with some extended breaks as well). It may not have the same effect for you, but it will challenge the way you think and act.
  • #2: Give some thought to your motive for your social media engagement. Learning? Gossip? Judging? Arguing? Mindless entertainment? If God reveals some less than healthy motives, make an adjustment!
  • #3: Does social media impact your experience of events? Do you spend time at social events, gatherings, or outings, thinking about framing the perfect photo? If so, why?
  • #4: What else could you do with the time? We used to have ZERO ACCESS to social media. What filled the time then? What could fill it now if we reduced the time?