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Three rambling promises…

  • God is in control. We could all point to something beyond our control, especially in a time of pandemic. When we feel out of control, it only serves as a reminder we aren’t. This world was never intended for humans to control. Rest assured God can and will administrate this planet better than 8+ billion of us ever could.
  • His control does not prevent trouble. I realize some teach the opposite, twisting Scriptures attempting to build some false defense God never intended. One need look no further than the cross of Jesus, where God allowed the unjust murder of His own son in order to fulfill His purposes. Tell me again who has control?
  • He is love. For us, love is feeling, circumstance, relationship, performance. For God, love equals a state of being. Love isn’t something God is part of the time. So that means God’s love for us doesn’t depend on circumstance. Our planet’s trouble does not indicate a gap or pause in God’s love. Instead, we should rest assured of His love despite the trouble. Remember God’s love for us – Jesus’ death as a removal of God’s wrath (I John 4:7-10).
  • I hope these promises help lead and guide you today, wherever you find yourself and wherever your path leads. These promises and many more can truly stabilize us in all seasons of our lives.
  • If you have any questions about having a relationship with God, please email directly and I’ll be glad to help in any way I can: