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T for Tuesday! Rambling this morning about the COVID generation of school children. Thank you for taking a look…

  • Have you heard similar sentiments regarding the children of the pandemic?
  • Have you read about the lackluster quality of online education and the doom it will bring to the future of children subjected to it?
  • Don’t get me wrong. Most would agree to acknowledge the limits and challenges of online learning.
  • But a “lost” generation? Really?
  • Let me take this the other way. We revere the war generations, do we not?
  • Groups of people sacrificing for the greater good? The collective experience of trial forging a spirit of determination and toughness?
  • This generation has endured months of difficulty and restriction to their lives with no end in sight.
  • What if instead of uncertain labels like “lost” we instead infuse hope into the situation and look forward to the toughness these young people will display as adults?
  • What if we pray for and support the hard work ahead for these school children?
  • What if we pray with anticipation expecting God to use this global hour of suffering to produce a generation more selfless?
  • What if, refined by hard work and determination, this generation produces savvy and effective managers and employees who have flexibility and know how to adapt to challenges both personal and professional?
  • Well, to think and pray with optimism would require us older folk reject the trend of negativity and worst case scenario lazily perpetuated through media.
  • What will our society, our churches, our communities, look like when the pandemic generation takes charge? I think “incredible” should at least rank in the possibilities!