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Rambling this Tuesday about the National Anthem:

  • Some facts today, some opinions as well. Want to let you know up front!
  • Saturday I attended a junior high championship basketball game.
  • Prior to the game, as at most sports events, a recording blared the Star Spangled Banner for all to hear.
  • Men, women, and children rose. 
  • A familiar hush. 
  • Squirrely junior high boys turned to face the flag, hats off and hands over hearts.
  • Voiced hummed, not sang along with the recorded musical arrangement.
  • In those hushed moments, respect, remembering, honor. 
  • The Star Spangled Banner represents the freedoms enjoyed by the United States.
  • It represents the cost of those freedoms. 
  • All these years later, it stirs. It unifies. 
  • Even those using the anthem to protest kind of make the point: we have the freedom to demonstrate and the anthem reminds us of our differences. 
  • I find the U.S. anthem one of the most stirring songs ever written. It gets me nearly every time I hear it.
  • Even given our warts, I’d rather live in the U.S. than anywhere else.
  • It shouldn’t take a holiday for us to express gratefulness for the freedom we have.
  • The freedom comes with responsibility. I want to use it well. I hope you do too!