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I chose the flag this morning as an image to remind us of so many things. Today I share some rambling thoughts about bothersome, incomplete justice:

  • The flag stands for freedom, freedoms we greatly enjoy and often take for granted.
  • So since we enjoy immense freedoms, especially compared to other nations, let me ask…
  • Does our justice system always ensure “liberty and justice for all?”
  • Most would answer “no”. Why?
  • We recognize some don’t get justice. 
  • We recognize sometimes the wrong people get “justice”.
  • We recognize that those who represent the justice system use it to perpetuate injustice.
  • Simply put, when humans represent justice, imperfection comes with the territory.
  • So what am I saying? Grin and bear it? Smile while abuses continue?
  • No, the word “bothersome” made the title of this post for a reason.
  • We should allow the incompleteness of justice to bother us.
  • We should speak. 
  • We should support justice for those who lack resource. 
  • We should hold leaders accountable, especially elected leaders like judges and prosecutors. 
  • We should applaud those who conduct themselves with integrity and honor. They bring so much value to our communities.
  • If incomplete justice, or unresolved injustice, visits us, let us lament. Let us lament with families who don’t experience justice. 
  • Let us come alongside those scarred and wounded by the inefficiency or even injustice of the very system designed to bring justice.
  • Let us educate ourselves so we don’t speak of these matters out of ignorance.
  • And let us trust Scripture, which does promise full justice at the end of time. Jesus, our perfect judge, will right wrongs. Those who may have escaped earthly justice will do so no longer.