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Good morning. I usually do some sort of year-end summary of most popular articles. Below check out the top articles clicked from my blog in 2015. These are listed in order, with #1 the most clicked!

Tomorrow will feature the top Tuesday Rambling posts. Wednesday will feature top articles I wrote this year.

5. White Christians listen!

This article did a great job of asking white Christians to consider their newfound minority status.

4. The power of the bikini.

A great challenge on raising boys and understanding what they see.

3. Myths which undermine educational effectiveness.

This article will make you think and re-think what you think about education.

2. How an affair really begins.

Give this a read and think hard about your marriage.

1. Being poor is expensive.

Let this article challenge the way you think about poverty and those trying to overcome it.

Thanks for clicking on articles this year. I have fun sharing what I find challenging as I read.