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You won’t read this on Monday. However, if you check the post time it should indicate I snuck it in just before midnight 🙂 Priorities, right?

Thank you for stopping by this week’s Monday Challenge post. I may not always agree with all the articles I post (and I’m certainly struggling a bit this week!) but I can assure you these articles have challenged me. I hope the same for you!

Church Division

Many recognize David Platt’s name. This article highlights recent trouble at his church, including division regarding leadership, control, membership, and social issues. 

Question: Should these things divide? How can Christians seek understanding and unity in place of division?

Additionally on the topic, you may want to consult this fascinating podcast detailing the rise and fall of one of the best known churches and leaders of the past couple decades.


You may not know what to think about the topic. You don’t need to be an expert. I don’t post this article from expertise or persuasion. I simply post it out of very challenging fascination with the topic. 

Question: How, specifically, does this article challenge you?

Relationships With Other Christians

Let this excerpt tingle the taste buds: “When it comes to the Christian life, when it comes to how members of different gospel-preaching churches ought to relate to one another, we need to change our strategy. We need to remember we’re playing Forbidden Island—not Risk or Monopoly.”

Read the whole challenging and encouraging article here.

Question: Do you view other believers as necessary to success?