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It’s Monday – how about being challenged a bit? I love to share what I read, so I hope you benefit. You don’t have to agree, just agree to be challenged.

Planned Parenthood

The atrocities at Planned Parenthood should grip our souls.

Jonathan Parnell at Desiring God suggests the abortion industry may be destroying itself.

Sam Rainer describes a course of action for the average believer.

Question: Do you care enough to do something about these atrocities?

The Universe

J. Warner Wallace shares some good brain food. See here some evidence our universe had a beginning.

Question: Does information like this give you the confidence to make some basic points to an intellectual unbeliever?

Fake News

How to spot fake news. We can all be gullible. Let’s show some awareness of what we read and share.

Question: How gullible are you?

Spiritual Impact of ISIS

This article should help the average Western believer gain an understanding of some of the spiritual dynamics developing in the wake of the terror wrought by ISIS.