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Good morning! Slow, hopeful, discouraging — wherever this Monday finds you, I hope you stopped by for a challenge. Enjoy these articles which made me think…

College and COVID

Young students as connected as ever through technology have  high rates of depression, suicide, etc. This article helps explore these dynamics while focusing on the college setting. 

Question: How can you encourage the young people in your life?

About Prayer

See this for a punch-packing read about prayer and its effects.

Question: How did this read challenge / encourage your prayer life?

Vulnerability and Friendship

We need friends, but we sometimes hesitate. Don’t isolate from this article. Check out this snapshot:

“We know that vulnerability is risky, and our natural response is to protect ourselves—especially if we’ve been burnt before. The idea of vulnerability can be distressing, and our response might be fight or flight.”

Question: How can you impact better as a friend?

Border Opportunity

Yes, I work with this organization. No, I don’t expect everyone to jump right in. Maybe, will you read and at least increase your perspective?

Questions: Did your perspective change? How? If not, why?