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Good morning!

Monday means challenge day here at my blog. I call it Thought Driven Action. I pray sharing a few articles will help you think, which if necessary will lead to action!

Where is God when my business is gone?

This article offers good guidance for the doubt, fear, and shame that can come with losing work and income.

Question: How can this offer specific help to so many in these situations?

Gender personality differences

I didn’t quite grasp all this, but it does offer an interesting look into personality differences between men and women.

Question: How does this fit with the doctrine of Creation?

A church that still meets

The description from a church which has continued to meet in Connecticut offers a peek at what life might be like as churches reopen.

Question: Are you ready for differences such as these?

A week of tough news

Urban Faith shared a summary of some tough news (including links) regarding churches and leaders in the past week.

Question: How important do you find it to attempt to digest difficult news such as this?