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Morning! Another Monday. Make it a good one…and be challenged. I hope that’s why you dropped by!

Easter Without Church

This type of thing has benefitted me: reflection on faith and church in the midst of a pandemic. If pandemic overload has found you out, feel free to skip it 🙂

Question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of “church online”?

Men and Play

Men, don’t forget to play.

Question: So guys, when was the last time and how can you build it in to your schedule?

Hour of Prayer

No doubt I struggle with this sort of thing. I post this example of how to spend an hour in prayer for your challenge as well. I don’t call it Monday Challenge for nothing…

Question: How might this help you?

Consuming Entertainment

When we consume questionable (or downright sinful) entertainment, do we chalk it up to a strengthened conscience? Or might immaturity be on display?

Question: Well….?