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Good morning!

The times present many challenges. Maybe a few articles to challenge your thinking will do the trick. Welcome, enjoy, and … be challenged!

March Without Madness

From a player as part of an unlikely run in 2019, enjoy these reflections on March without madness.

Question: What reflections come easiest for you regarding things you miss?

Losing Weight

Lots of sources offer self help when it comes to losing weight. This article brings three important reminders about weight and God’s perspective.

Questions: Which spoke to you the most? How could you use an article like this for your own encouragement or someone else’s?

Hospital Capacity

This article brings out some difficult realities regarding available hospital beds.

Question: Do you view this as a “they” or “we” issue?

Atheism and Bloodshed

This article will help you consider Atheism’s status as a “religion” connected to the teachings of evolution. Yes, bloodshed comes with the territory of these beliefs.

Question: How do you square this information in light of other religions’ bloody pasts?