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Good morning. We live in challenging times. My Monday blog posts should help challenge your thinking – at least I hope for as much!

Dr. Lutzer On Calamity

Watch this short video – it provides some great insight on calamity.

Question: Do we always have the praise of God on our lips?

Is America Racist?

Many try to avoid the topic. Many search for easy answers. This article provides one perspective on America’s long and tangled relationship with race.

Question: How can we relate with those who hold different perspectives on this topic than we might?

Transgender and Sports

President Biden’s executive order demands biological males identifying as females have the right to participate in girls sports.

Rand Paul takes the education secretary nominee to task over this.

This is not about opinion. Intervening on gender medically harms students rather than promoting human progress and flourishing. See here: Puberty blockers stunt young people’s growth.

Question: How can we advocate for better practices than fully embracing current thinking on gender confusion (which, by the way, I do not deny – I simply believe we need better practices!)