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Monday once again arrives with all its glory. Ok, maybe not exactly “glorious”, but here we go anyway. Enjoy some articles I found challenging.


Crazy Church Stories


Start your week off with some laughs. Sometimes crazy stuff happens in church.


Question: What does this teach us about humanity in worship?




“Over 360 million Christians living in places where they experience high levels of persecution and discrimination.” Read more here.


Question: How does this type of information influence your life?


Black Faith


I had never heard of any of these people. We all have much to learn. Read and enjoy some inspiring examples of faith loving neighbors in action!


Question: How do these types of real life characters challenge and inspire you?


Bible Reliability


These ten things will give you much to think about regarding just how reliable these writers actually were!

A tidbit: “One of the ways historians can tell whether an author is telling the truth is to test what he says by “the principle of embarrassment.” This principle assumes that any details embarrassing to the author are probably true. Why? Because the tendency of most authors is to leave out anything that makes them look bad. How does the New Testament measure up to the principle of embarrassment?”


Question: Which of these ten challenged you most?