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Happy Monday morning! Even if happy doesn’t describe it well, I hope you will enjoy some articles I found challenging. Without further ado…


Freedom Too Far


This link will examine the freedoms we have as believers while confronting us with wrong decisions personally and Scripturally.


Question: How do our wrong decisions help us grow spiritually?


School Integration


These quotes get you into the minds of high schoolers integrating in Akron in the 1950s. It shows considerable contrast to issues in the south.


Question: How would you have handled the situation back then? How do you start to answer such a question?


Sexual Sin


This article reminds us sexual sin is not inevitable. This includes a pretty powerful illustration for those who blame God or others for this kind of sin.


Question: How did the “book” illustration speak to you regarding this type of sin and others?


Churches After Disruption


This piece looks at issues of church disruption from ancient Rome, the pandemic, and Ukraine. This will definitely challenge your thinking.


Question: How does this article help you think through disruptions to the church (or even your local church) in the U.S. in light of other events both recent and historic?