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This will take a bit different form than the normal Monday Challenge, with all the links revolving around one topic. I know Christmas has drawn near, but this topic threatens our society and even greater division in the Church in West. Please give it some prayerful consideration.

I do not intend to tell you what to think or who to yell and scream at for thinking the wrong way. I’m not really interested in using this platform to discuss the specific issues of the impeachment case. Plenty of other places allow you to do that.

My main goal in posting this during this season lies in encouraging believers to resist our culture’s very natural pattern of taking a side and completely vilifying the other side. I specifically mean our willingness to do this even with fellow believers.

Truth: believers in Jesus Christ have many valid concerns about President Trump, his character, his policies, the process of his impeachment, the future, and the unknown. Many Christians who see Trump’s impeachment differently come to different conclusions. Would you commit to reading these articles and posts, even the ones you think you may not agree with?

Christianity Today said Trump should be removed from office.

Then, 200 pastors called out CT (including some well known ones) for questioning their witness.

This article presents some recent stats showing “evangelical” Christians fall on different sides of the Trump issue.

See this article saying Christians show wisdom in supporting Trump.

Here’s a Twitter post critiquing the above article hailing the wisdom of Christians supporting trump.

This Twitter thread frames some issues regarding power, the Church’s witness, and political devotion moving forward.

A few questions in traditional Monday Challenge style:

  1. Can you understand anyone’s points who disagree with you?
  2. Is it worth breaking fellowship with believers who don’t see things the same way?
  3. Would you consider asking forgiveness from someone you may have offended in a political conversation?
  4. Is it possible believers on all sides show a devotion to politics in ways that cloud their Christian witness?
  5. How can we show love to those of a different viewpoint?
  6. Where does justifying your political views fall in your priorities regarding your faith?
  7. Do you use your voice and energy to love people, share the Gospel, make disciples, and love your local church MORE than you wish to bark about politics?
  8. Do you understand Jesus trusting, Bible-believing people who see this issue differently will all worship together in heaven some day?
  9. Do you have any grasp on issues in the Church outside of the U.S.?
  10. How do your views of God’s power and sovereignty affect your understanding of current events?
  11. What biblical passages and narratives most inform your view of this issue? Which ones inform your treatment of Christians in word and deed during this divisive time?
  12. In the week we celebrate Jesus’ birth, do we really trust and obey Him as king?

These questions apply to me as I wade through and pray through these turbulent times. I hope they will help you do a good job of discerning, communicating, and loving as you consider your positions and how to interact with others.