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Good morning! Time once again for a challenge. Check out the following links which challenged me over the past week:

The Middle East

First, you should read Joel Rosenberg’s novels. I’ll give that recommendation any day. But this link will take you to an interview he did about his most recent non-fiction book. I am reading the book since I read this interview and it provides amazing insight into the Middle East for those who want to know more about this mysterious region.

Question: What did the interview teach you? How did it challenge your view of Middle Eastern leaders?

COVID and Black Churches

This article shows differences in approaches, viewpoints, and stresses the need for unity. I hope this article will help unify all Christians and help us to pray especially for our black brothers and sisters.

Question: How did this article help you understand someone else’s viewpoint?

Resisting Temptation

Read this to understand a basic approach for resisting temptation.

Question: Which of the three did you find most helpful? Number one for me!