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Good Monday morning! I hope you find some encouragement and challenge in these articles…

Hard Countries for Christians

In some countries, identifying as a Christian can present significant challenge or even danger. Read these praises and requests from some of the hardest places on earth to live as a Christian.

Question: How do these situations contrast to our experience?

MLK Policy Change

We observed MLK Jr Day a week ago. This article caught my eye as a suggestion for deeper processing than just posting or absorbing a few feel good posts.

Question: How often do you consider actual policy when it comes to racial issues?

Spiritual Foundations

From Thy Black Man, check out these five foundations of spiritual growth.

Question: Man or not, how do these encourage you as you seek to draw closer to Jesus?

Questions for Church Leaders

These questions challenged me. No post like this will get everything of course, but these represent a lot of what goes into decision making.

Question: How does these help you as you try to do better in leading or understand what your leaders consider?

Trump Presidency

I didn’t promote this article in the title of today’s post. I really think Christians have to work hard to avoid polarizing politics. But from a conservative source, I found this article a place to start in thinking through Trump’s presidency.

Question: How can you personally move forward from the Trump presidency?