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Click this article entitled Vintage Worship to see the most clicked article from Monday’s post.

Go ahead and give it a read. No matter your perspective on worship new and old, it will make you think.

After you’ve read it, check out a few of my own thoughts:

1. New isn’t bad, but it can be.

No, new isn’t bad. I don’t think the article suggests it is. It’s just when we only value new and next that we forget.

2. Belief in Jesus is about not forgetting.

God has always wanted people to remember. The Passover’s intention was to remind the Israelites of God’s glory. Communion? “Do this in remembrance of me”, said Jesus.

So, when it comes to worshiping Jesus, why would we not remember the faith of saints before by using their music?

3. Not all songs are good songs.

Shady theology? Tough to sing? Words that don’t fit? You could make the same argument for old songs as well as new songs. I like this article because it challenged us to get away from camps such as “old” or “new” and to think Biblically.

Songs should helps us declare the glories of God. Scripture should anchor our musical worship as we draw close to God through singing.

Think. Are you opposed to older hymns? Why?

Act. Even if it’s only personally, embrace the music of generations that have come before, showing gratefulness that they did!