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One of the parts of blogging I enjoy most entails reading articles to share with others. Sometimes the articles I’m most passionate about don’t garner a whisper of interest from readers. On the other hand, some articles TOTALLY surprise (can you say CHRISTMAS CARDS, anyone?) as seen in reader involvement and reaction.

It’s always fascinating for me to look back and see which articles gained the most traction on my blog over the past year. Maybe it tells me something about readers. Maybe I should avoid reading too much into it.

For neither better nor worse, here are this year’s top five clicked articles from my blog. These are in order of number of clicks from my site.

1. Seven ways to hurt your pastor – by Thom Rainer. I really respect Thom Rainer and his love for Christ and the local church. I hope my readers weren’t looking for ammunition!

2. Six deadly enemies of marriage – by Tim Challies. This article from January started the year off with a great challenge for marriage. And, I hope, a great help too! Tim’s blog remains one of the most influential within greater Christianity today.

3. Twelve questions to ask before you watch “Game of Thrones” – by Tony Reinke. I love the variety of content and authors on the Desiring God site. This article is worth another read at the end of the year. What a great challenge!

4. The problem with Christmas cards – by Amy Julia Becker. I NEVER thought this one would have had the potential for this much traction. A good challenge nonetheless.

5. I love Jesus too much to call myself a Gay Christian – by Matt Moore. If you haven’t read this yet, please do! It will really cause you to think about the use of the term in the title.

There you have it. Favorites? Most challenging? Why?