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Monday morning means Monday Challenge. The following articles challenged me recently. Enjoy!


Living God’s Love


This piece challenges readers with practical suggestions for living God’s love. 


Question: Which can you implement right away?


Ukraine Refugees


The people of Poland have responded admirably in the recent Ukraine refugee crisis. Does this response come from a place of historical guilt?


This story from a train station grips the heart. 


Question: How do articles like these help you understand? What do they make you consider most?


Akron and Amazon


The new Amazon fulfillment center had an initial hiring projection of 1,500 employees. Now 5,000?


Question: How do articles like this challenge the way you understand our world, and what we think we understand?


Church: Maintenance vs. Mission


This challenged me, and will challenge anyone more than passively involved in a local church.


Question: Which do you think?