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So I didn’t make Friday’s feature. Anyone else in a food fog?

I would like to feature this article from Monday. It talks about pain and people’s reaction to it. I struggle when people find themselves in pain – especially the kind that won’t go away. I want a quick fix, but this article cautions against that.

Check it out here: The Lasting Pain of Quick Fixes

Please read the article. If it doesn’t apply to you, it will apply to someone you know at some point.

Finally, a few of my own thoughts:

1. Pain is like sin.

This provided a great reminder that sin won’t disappear any faster than most of our pain will. Is the fruit of perseverance welling up inside us as we grow closer to God?

2. Thinking?

Yes, both for sin and for pain, thinking matters. If you handle pain by going on and on about how horrible it is, do you think the chances for improvement in your condition skyrocket?

Apply the same logic to sin. Imagine you have a view that God should immediately remove sin from your life. Do you have a framework to THINK about how sin works and what you can do to be effective?

3. The Bible.

The article mentions several places in the Bible for further thinking. Not only is this idea good “in theory”, it is founded in Scripture. Applying our minds to battle for the long haul might just be what God wants us to do. Hmmm…

Think. Do you wish uncomfortable situations would go away quickly? Why?

Act. Slow down. Embrace your pain or others. Ask God for strength to trust His purposes.