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Some ways I’ve made my day off better recently:

  • I’ve limited the amount of time I’m in my email. The point of a day off is not having to feel “caught up”.
  • I’ve had a “project” on my radar. For me right now that involves ridding our home of stuff. Yesterday I went through a bunch of baseball cards and reduced thousands down to hundreds.
  • Extra communication with God. Reading, listening, engaging – I want my day of rest to center on the worshiper God has created me to be.
  • Something I enjoy – for me that usually means sports and some sports commentary I don’t get into on other days. That also might mean a trip somewhere for coffee.
  • Intentional time with family. Not having “work” responsibilities should (should) free up some time to be intentional with my wife and kids.
  • As usual, not much happens without intentionality. How can you take the precious time you have away from work responsibilities and maximize it for eternal benefit?