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Well, do we?

  • Let me present a short list of things we may proclaim instead of Jesus.
  • First, we can proclaim ourselves.
  • 2 Corinthians 4:5 draws a distinction between proclaiming ourselves and proclaiming Jesus.
  • We proclaim ourselves when we rest in our Twitter likes, Instagram followers, and Facebook activity. When we rest in our profile, friends, things, or status.
  • We can proclaim our church. This can be good, but if we never proclaim Jesus then talking about Jesus proves empty.
  • Our church should never take the place of Christ in our proclamation.
  • We can proclaim our work.
  • Here’s the real challenge. In discussing this verse with a few people during Project Shine last week, (see for more info about this ministry) the harsh reality emerged that without proclaiming Christ all we proclaim is our work, perhaps unintentionally shining the light on ourselves.
  • Serving in any ministry could lead to this temptation. I have heard a LOT about ministries, through conferences, social media, local contacts, etc.
  • Many times we hear about the WAY believers serve rather than WHOM they serve.
  • Challenge: share the Gospel in all your work, whether church or other ministry.
  • Challenge: make sure sharing Christ lays at the foundation of any organization.
  • Challenge: develop strategy to exalt Jesus every step of the way so no confusion lingers.