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I think a lot about life in patterns and seasons. Maybe that’s because I just had another birthday – and I’m not getting younger.

This post has little to do with longer seasons. Tonight I’m thinking shorter seasons. In any given year I go through several longer seasons and many shorter ones. Sports seasons, life seasons, up seasons, seasons of intense struggle, seasons of growth, stagnancy and the like. This probably sounds a lot like Ecclesiastes 3.

I have a tendency to let the seasons take control rather than seeing God in the seasons. Recently, one thing is standing out to me as I seek to navigate the seasons: personal worship. Let me organize a few strong encouragements to help think about the benefits of personal worship.

1. Private worship develops us in ways congregational worship can’t.

Congregational worship is only designed for regular times. By nature, time spent worshiping with others has limits. On the other hand, we see lots of personal devotion in the Bible; it’s this personal, private worship that God designs to sustain us each day when other believers can’t join us.

2. Private worship reminds us God is bigger than emotion.

Repeatedly we see examples in Scripture of people’s devotion to God during or following difficult seasons or tragic events. Worshiping in private sustains the truth of God in our minds and souls no matter the season.

On the flip side, private worship can also humble us on the mountaintop of success, reminding us that God deserves praise for any and all good gifts.

3. Private worship increases our trust in God and decreases our reliance on others.

As a pastor I’ve been criticized for a lot in public worship. In private worship, the amount of worries about what others think is, um, zero. I can devote myself to God in ways that no one can see. When I worship when others aren’t around, I focus on God with intense focus.

4. Private worship increases our desire for congregational worship.

What – you didn’t think I was using this piece to talk down congregational worship did you?

When we develop consistency in private worship, our hunger for congregational worship should increase. Like congregational worship can’t sustain us, we’ll know private worship doesn’t provide the experience worshiping with others does.

Following Jesus must be done in private and in public – why should the worship of Him be any different? After all, Jesus set the perfect example of balancing both!

Think. Does private worship have enough of a place in your life?

Act. Sing, pray, read, ask, seek – to the glory of God and evaluation of Him alone. Let your growth in private worship drive your participation in public worship.