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Once again television producers are using the Bible as source material for entertainment. The “A.D.” series airing Sunday nights on NBC has proven ratings worthy. It’s a follow up to a previous series that aired on cable and has the book of Acts as its basis.

I love the Bible. I love Jesus. I want people to both know the Bible and love Jesus.

I’m not assuming a whole lot of interest in this. I simply wanted to provide an opinion and some perspective about this type of entertainment.

1. It is entertainment.

When someone puts something on television the goal is to make money. You can’t count on someone to adhere to high standards of Bible scholarship when making money is the goal.

With this type of programming I don’t expect Biblical accuracy, and neither should anyone else.

2. God can use it.

Can God use what is false to draw people to the truth? Certainly. The Bible itself supports this concept.

So, see if people you know are talking about it. Find out what they think. Stand ready to share what really happened and engage in some good conversation. Sharing what really happened can further someone’s interest and lead them to the Bible. I certainly believe God can do that. I also believe He would want believers to be used that way.

3. It has encouraged me in specific ways.

Yes, it’s disappointing to see the Bible’s powerful story misrepresented. I should state that with clarity as the goal.

But, that doesn’t mean the programming lacks encouraging aspects.

I have paused and considered the courage the disciples needed to have to boldly proclaim Jesus in a very hostile atmosphere.

The brutality of the Roman government can prove difficult to grasp from written descriptions.

The reality that God is involved in the events of earth has jolted onto my spiritual radar. His power and force for good (Resurrection, Pentecost) on behalf of people have warmed my heart and stoked the fires of my faith. He cares and is involved!

4. The series has increased my passion to describe the Bible.

God’s design is to speak and for people to hear. Pictures, illustrations, films – they should all have the goal of helping God’s Word, not replacing it.

I want to help people understand the Bible as more than a textbook or something neutral. The portrayal of events leaves neutrality out of the realm of possible responses.

Think. What does Bible or Christian based entertainment mean to you? When can it mean too much or too little?

Act. Never be afraid to talk about these misguided attempts and explain your reactions. The truth will always prove powerful enough to draw seekers to itself.