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Is Jesus the real reason for why you do what you do?

This side of heaven, we’ll never perfect our motivation. That’s not the expectation.

But, it doesn’t mean we don’t ask the question. After all, Colossians 3:17 tells us to focus on Jesus in all we do.

Three questions challenge our thinking:

1. If no one ever said “thank you” for your service, would you be glad to perform your service to please only Jesus?

Is the joy of serving Jesus enough? What if you loved your spouse for 53 years and they never once said thank you? What if NOTHING were returned from your children for the way you loved them? What if you never received recognition for your service at church or other volunteer organizations?

Would serving Jesus be enough in these situations?

2.  Is our service slanted to our convenience?

This question should sharpen the way we think. We have certain gifts and abilities. We see some things as “spiritual”, such as services, studies, accountability, prayer. But do we do only what’s convenient to us?  Do we stop at our comfort zone, or what others will notice? Do we engage only what takes minimal effort or resource?

Jesus never demonstrated the seeking of convenience as a godly value. Nor should we. Re-read Colossians 3:17

3. Is thinking about serving Jesus in “everything” too overwhelming?

Certainly, blowing your nose is a human function. It’s hard to argue either way whether someone really does that for Jesus.

But do you at times just not want to do everything for Jesus? Does it sound too overwhelming?

I think about Jesus’ commitment. Teaching, leading, responding to criticism, dealing with obstacles – He did it all. He walked the path of death in his life. “To Jerusalem” He cried as He pressed on. He truly gave everything.

So when we feel “overwhelmed” by subjecting every last thought, action, or word in action to Jesus, maybe we should re-consider.

IMPORTANT: Jesus doesn’t demand that we simply try harder and harder.

Jesus never claimed to do anything on His own strength. Neither should we. As He relied on God for everything in His ministry, so we should refuse any path to glorifying Christ that relies on anything but His grace in order to do it!

Think. Which of these three questions challenges you most?

Act. Don’t try harder. Ask God to give you the grace to become more and more like Jesus all the time!