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Can you enjoy what you have?

What most focuses my attention on this thought is the fall we’ve had. First, I love fall so I’m a bit partial.

But I’ll run into the occasional person who will agree, yet seemingly with some hesitation.

Can you guess what comes next in these conversations? Yeah. “But winter is coming.”

Who cares!

I realize human nature can send us on a drift to the negative. When you drift, it takes effort to change course.

We could point out the negative in so many situations. But in order to do that, you almost inevitably must make an intentional choice to ignore something positive.

Your car door squeaks, your kid spilled the milk, someone looked at you funny at church, and you got an extra bill in the mail. But you have transportation, your child has maintained health for an extended stretch, you have a church family to join for worship and encouragement, and God hasn’t let you down with the bills before.

Sure life has negative. And I’m not the best on hesitating to unload some complaints from time to time.

But can we just slow down and enjoy what we have? Do you need God’s guidance and help in doing this as much as I do?

Think. What do you have that you don’t enjoy as much as you should?

Act. Work to re-shape your prayer life and attitude to give God a chance to help you grow into an attitude that gives you the focus to slow down and enjoy the sweet moments in life.