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For those thinking, grieving, or wondering how to do either, I share some soundbites, a few lengthier articles and a video as well. I have tried to share from diverse perspectives within the Christian faith.


Profoundly grieved over the tragedies of the last 3 days. Sound bites won’t help. Praying for God to bring justice & comfort to all of us.

Just to be clear: We need laws & procedures that protect the lives of officers and civilians. Both and, not either or.

It will only perpetuate our present issues. Please, pray that this does not become a new reality. It is NOT the way. Help us, Lord.

If I can hardly bear to watch it, how can my brothers bear to live it? Have mercy.

When will the madness stop? How long, O Lord?

It’s to our shame that we have allowed terms like “justice” and “mercy”–biblical terms and commands–to be associated only with “liberals.”


What shootings and racial justice mean for the Body of Christ. – Russell Moore

Is racial unity a gospel issue? – Duke Kwon (multi-ethnic church leader)

What’s going on? – Tony Carter, “The Front Porch”


Note:I have not listened to this entire video, but I have been challenged in the past by listening to this podcast.