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Monday was an incredible day.  We officially welcomed Jocelyn into our family.  This photo shows the moment the seal was pressed, making her adoption official.

Here are five things left ringing in my mind from that day:

1. I am totally overwhelmed by our family and friends.

It is just amazing that so many people have prayed for and supported us in this journey.  We are truly overwhelmed by loving family, friends, and other loved ones. I cannot fathom how much answered prayer was represented Monday.

2. Child adoption is permanent.  Do we think our spiritual adoption is?

It clearly says in God’s Word that God adopts us into His family.  Do we believe His seal is as permanent as the one used to finalize His adoption?

3. The finality coupled with the unknown.

Yes, Monday is final.  But the unknown still remains.  We have NO IDEA what God will do in Jocelyn’s life, how she’ll develop, turn out, what she will become.  We will continue to love and care for her as best we can. We will continue to cover her life and her future in prayer!

4. Praise is fun.

There has been a lot of heartbreak this year. Praising God at this level of depth and with this level of support was truly a lot of fun – I truly hope everyone enjoyed praising God with us.

5. I hope everyone enters an adventure in their life.

We trembled before God making this decision, and entered the journey with risk, unknown, and excitement.  I truly hope nothing will stop you from embarking on whatever journey God has called you to.  Could be kids, ministry, travel, a specific call, or even less visible obedience.  It’s all obedience and it all comes with risk, loss, sacrifice.  These are the kingdom values we seek to embrace – despite what it may mean to our earthly comfort.