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Why would I dive in a trash can? I promise it’s not just a catchy title. I did it. In front of about 350 people, mostly teenagers. So why?

Let me back up. About five years ago, a bunch of youth workers in the Akron area started a conference called Breakout. The website for the conference is here:

Despite being out of youth ministry for the last two conferences, I have still had a desire to be around the conference. Last year I ran video and media. This year I was asked to speak at one of the main sessions.

The theme of the conference this year was “Uncommon”. It was based on Romans 12:2 “be transformed by the renewing of the mind.” When our minds are renewed by God, we start to think differently, and do uncommon things.

I was sharing about some of my own difficult phases in life, and talked about how at times it felt impossible that the situations would ever change. And in developing the idea that it feels impossible at times, we worship a God who doesn’t know that word. Great things are possible when God is worshiped.

But sometimes we need to take those old filthy lies and … you guessed it, put them in the trash. The lie that life change is impossible belongs in the trash. It belongs there, along with all the other nasty, filthy, leftover, unwanted, pukey type things we put in the trash. And so to illustrate my point that having a changed mind, changed life, and changed outlook aren’t impossible . . .

I dove in a trash can. Hands and head first. I ended up on the floor and bent the rubber trash can up pretty good, but I was okay. And praise God He moved in the hearts and lives of some of the teens at the conference. Want an example? Okay, here’s one:

After I spoke there was a concert. During the concert one young man came up to me and said “I was really challenged by your talk.” I asked him why. “I was raped,” he replied from his couldn’t be more than 14 year old frame. “With God’s help you can move past it – it’s not impossible,” I told him.

“I know. I started to. Tonight.”
