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Some thoughts by a blogger I read prompted me to add a few of my own.  Feel free to read Tim Challies’ article here.

Love is often (often does not mean the general sweeping statement of always) portrayed in the movies as this glorious, almost always sexual thing based on achievement and conquest and intense romanticism.

The kind of love the Bible calls for (both among Christians and in marriage) is difficult. It’s messy.  It’s far from glamorous.

Biblical love may demand that you:

-empty your spouses’s portable toilet should they require surgery or become disabled.

-forgive a spouse for flipping out on you in a moment of weakness.

-give up time or money to support friends who are struggling.

-stand by your spouse or a close friend during struggles with mental illness you don’t understand.

-stand by a friend who’s overcoming repetitive sexual sin.

-absorb some hatred and show love to those who hate you.

-change diapers on a 30 year old child who’s completely disabled.

Does this have you thinking?  See, when the Bible describes love with words such as patient, kind, not boasting, not proud, not keeping records of wrong, it is the type of love that truly can over come the deepest difficulties, and (GASP) even love those you don’t like.

And the only place that’s truly modeled is by God Himself, through the death of Jesus Christ on the cross.  In our forgiveness through Christ’s love is the power to display love that humans can’t normally show, and to do it over and over again, just like Jesus has done for us.

If you’re single, will you commit to this kind of love?  If you’re married, are you willing to grow into and display this kind of love to your children and/or friends?  And if you’re a part of a church, are you willing to put aside personal, racial, denominational differences to love other true believers in Jesus Christ in practical ways that challenge us at the depths of our pride?

It’s been challenging me, it’s what’s on my mind, and I hope it challenges you.