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Another week has gone by. It’s time for another Monday post. I’m interested to see what you find interesting out of the articles I’m posting below (links). Look farther down for some loosely organized thoughts (bullets). Be challenged!


Link of the Week

Look at what just opened in Kenmore. Yes, right here in my home community! Love it!

The Christian Faith

BEING A PASTOR: I have found myself in situations very similar to this one. This gives an idea of what can go on…and better yet, how to respond!

SUBURBAN CHRISTIANITY: A good article about a specific brand of Christianity, known as suburbianity.

YOUR HEART: Don’t neglect it.

CONVICTING: Aren’t you glad you’re not like other people?

CLEVELAND: Do you know your neighbors? This was a very good, challenging post from a local source.


Thinking about faith:

  • Who has the ultimate say about how to perceive culture and living: God and His Word, or our experiences? I was challenged on Sunday about this after doing some reading and searching. I think the question highlights the way many are using (or not using) Scripture to form their positions.
  • Do you hunger to see people’s lives changed by the power of the Holy Spirit? It’s something that I can honestly say is working and living in me.
  • I am praying for God to make me aware of my spiritual surroundings. More and more, I just don’t feel like coasting. I want to work to challenge people with God’s Word in ways that will meaningfully inspire them to action!


  • Our daughter Alexa turns ten years old this week. Can you believe that? I cannot be old enough to have a ten year old daughter. But, we praise God for her and for the blessing our children are to us.
  • I went to a class on parenting last Friday (part of maintaining a foster parent license). A secular curriculum pointed to parenting based on unconditional love as the way to go. Hmmmmm…..


  • Anyone think Jimmy Haslem will not be the Browns’ owner a year from now? I’d put the chances above 50% (slightly).
  • The Yankees and the Indians are both playing really good baseball. Now, they play two tomorrow. Double headers are fascinating, as the large majority of them are split. I’ll predict an Indians sweep. The Yankees have been winning with a bit of luck. I don’t think they’ll have the quality pitching going tomorrow they’ve had over the past week (5-1 in Colorado and KC).
  • Last Saturday I ran a 5K. That was the last time I ran, save for Monday night’s softball game. Still sore from that.