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Be challenged! It’s Monday. I hope these articles make you think and wrestle with truth.  I hope you stop by Friday to see which one gets the most clicks.  I’ll feature that article in a short post with a few of my own comments.

Link of the Week

Are you a leader? Do you have the gift of leadership and want to grow? Check out this article with some fantastic quotes from a great author.

Question: Does leadership development happen on its own?

The Christian Faith


1. How to reach God honoring goals in parenting.

Question: Do our parenting goals truly line up with Scripture?

2. The need for grace in parenting. Kids are not an interruption!

Question: Can you relate at all to this situation as a parent? How does it normally go for you?

3. Be careful how you teach your kids to pray.

Question: What obstacles prevent us from giving our best in situations like these?

4. PREACHING: The difficult task preachers have.

Question: What was the most helpful addition to your understanding of preaching?


A-ROD: This is such a fascinating story on many levels of human interest.  Check this article out for a quick summary of how messed up this is. And, pray that he will have a real encounter with Jesus – before eternity hits.

Question: Can you think of anyone who seemed to ruin everything he touched in the way Alex Rodriguez has throughout his career?